Session 1

Session 1: Saturday 8:15-9:30 a.m.

101* - Beauty and the Breast -- Kathy Dettwyler

A look at how breasts and breastfeeding are thought of in North American culture. Including how breastfeeding is portrayed in the media, the problems this causes for women wishing to breastfeed while having a life outside the home and how to go about changing some of these beliefs. Please Note: This is a CERP session. We ask that attendance by children be limited to quiet infants in arms and nonseparating children who can sit quietly.

102 - Sleeping Like a Baby -- Jeremi Dilworth

Responding to concerns about how the baby is sleeping. Information from sleep studies and how we might use that information to gain perspective on infants' sleep habits.

103 - The Art of Baby Wearing -- Tania Rush

The benefits and philosophy of baby wearing; how it can make breastfeeding easier and motherhood more mobile. Proper positioning will be demonstrated and practiced. A variety of carriers and positions will be demonstrated and attendees will have the opportunity to try out the carriers.

104 - Raising Connected Families -- Patty Angstadt

Ideas, activities, and communication strategies to extend attachment parenting beyond the early years.

* CERP applied for