Session 4

Session 4: Saturday 2:45-4:00 p.m.

401* - Tongue Tie in the Breastfed Baby -- Kay Hoover

Recognizing the indicators for tongue tie, breastfeeding problems that may result, and the impact of untreated tongue tie over the long term. Please Note: This is a CERP session. We ask that attendance by children be limited to quiet infants in arms and nonseparating children who can sit quietly.

402* - Alert and Active Participation -- Kelly Cassidy

The physiological benefits for mother and baby of active participation in childbirth. Exploring the science of how birth affects breastfeeding. Please Note: This is a CERP session. We ask that attendance by children be limited to quiet infants in arms and nonseparating children who can sit quietly.

403 - New Baby, New Priorities -- Karen Shaw

The art of juggling family priorities and expectations when a new baby arrives.

404 - How to Live on One Income in a Two Income Society -- Lorraine Mishler

It can be done! Budgeting, tracking your spending, living modestly, and having enough. Information and suggestions for both one- and two-parent families.

405 - Becoming a Leader -- Carol Smith, Peggy Moran, Kristina Pasquale

A discussion of the ups and downs, ins and outs, and the dos and don'ts of LLL Leadership preparation.

* CERP applied for