Session 1

Session 1: Saturday 8:15-9:30 a.m.

101* - The Family Herbal Medicine Cabinet -- Stephen Byers

In this presentation we will cover several foundational ways to improve immune health with herbs and nutrient-dense foods. Appropriate uses for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers will be discussed. Common medicinal plants of Pennsylvania will be highlighted. Please Note: This is a CERP session. We ask that attendance by children be limited to quiet infants in arms and nonseparating children who can sit quietly.

102* - Co-Sleeping — Out of the Bedroom and into the News -- Jeremi Dilworth

Families have always practiced bed-sharing, but never before has the location of infant sleep been so controversial. In this talk we will examine the research and statistics that have brought co-sleeping out of the bedroom and into the news. Please Note: This is a CERP session. We ask that attendance by children be limited to quiet infants in arms and nonseparating children who can sit quietly.

103 - Watch, Listen, and Understand -- Karen Shaw

Explore communication styles that help family members tune in to the needs behind the message.

104 - #NURSINGINPUBLIC -- Ellen Zschunke

Nursing in public has entered a new age with the use of social media as a platform to normalize breastfeeding. A discussion of recent events taking place in the digital world as well as practical tips for nursing in public.

105 - Baby Makes Three -- Heather Tuckman

Having a baby creates many changes in women, couples, and families. We will investigate ways to navigate this transition and to recognize when professional help may be needed.

* CERP applied for