Session 3

Session 3: Saturday 1:15-2:30 p.m.

301* - Breastfeeding as a Civil Right: Workplace Pumping -- Jake Marcus

Is breastfeeding a civil right under U.S. law? What does that mean? Is your state law as strong as you think it is? An examination of differences in local laws, protections under federal laws, non-legal options available to lactating women, and your state's particular breastfeeding-related law. This session focuses on workplace pumping. Please Note: This is a CERP session. We ask that attendance by children be limited to quiet infants in arms and nonseparating children who can sit quietly.

302 - Mom-Shaped: The True Image of Motherhood -- Christine Roca

Between digital photo editing and the highlights of social media, we are inundated with a skewed sense of maternal body image. What is reality? What is normal? This presentation features a collection of unaltered photos of mothers to help us explore the variations of normal and embrace the beauty of our bodies in their natural state.

303 - Breastfeeding: Baby and Beyond -- Courtney Byers

Whether you are currently nursing an older child or just thinking about it, come join this discussion of the joys and difficulties of nursing through the toddler years and beyond.

304 - Three-Ring Circus -- Stacy Laucks

Take a closer look at how voluntary simplicity can help manage our three life "rings" — time, energy, and money.

305 - Raising Teens Who Will Talk to You -- Allison Shepard

A discussion about continuing attachment parenting into the teen years, creating a respectful relationship, and enjoying your teenagers.

306 - Planting Seeds: Watching Them Grow -- Judy Polley

Join an informal discussion of how to plant seeds to support breastfeeding in our post-LLL life, supporting our older children in their breastfeeding and parenting journeys. (Alum)

* CERP applied for